Thursday, April 17, 2014

Term 1

What  I have enjoyed this  term 1 is ...
  • swimming 
  • reading 
  • writing 
  • home learning 
  • ICT suite 
  •  growing crystals 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Maori Phrase Of the Week

I made a puppet  pals with Adelei  

Growing Crystals

Yesterday I was making crystals.
First Mrs Natusch put sugar into a pot and dissolved it with water. The water is going  to be dried up !!! Then the sugar  is going to turn in to a crystal. Then we are going to eat it YUM!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Lime stone and caves

 Lime stone is  made  from  shells and fish skulls and sea eggs  shells.  This   is how  lime  stone  is  made .
1.   shells and fish skulls  get crushed  in layers .
2. the earth moves then the lime stone  comes up then the lime stone  gets eaten away 
Then it turns in to a  cave 
Then stalagmites  grows the  water eats the lime stone  yum yum .

Glow worms life cycle

Glow worms are a worm that glow.
They are pretty. Their lights are bluey green.
I will tell you same facts.
The adult fly lays120 small eggs. Te adult fly  lives for 3 days trying to find a mate tben it lays eggs then its dies.